
The following statements are from those that have visited our church or website, and have left comments, testimonials, or feedback on our Facebook page or our contact us page. If you have something you would like to say about your visit or experience with TIBC, leave your comments in either one of our comment sections.

Lena Whitehead

"I love TIBC. There isn't a better place to hear the truth with love and respect."

Victoria Billings

"Bro. Sharp is a very kind man. While I was visiting in Louisiana he welcomed me to his church with such grace. His service was deeply moving and it showed how much passion he has for his church. I encourage anyone who is in the Alexandria/Pineville area to visit Tioga Independent Baptist Church and see how warm not only Bro. Sharp is, but the people who regularly attend TIBC as well."

Jennifer Shelfo

"This church is more than a church to me, these people are my family and they have accepted me through good and bad times! Brother Sharp and his wife are angels sent from Heaven and he saved my life! If you want to feel like a family while worshiping the Good Lord then this is the church you need to attend!!!"

Brianna Jean Costello

"Friendly and inviting environment. Wonderful pastor."

Katherene Eding Fontenot

"Great pastor and church."